21-05-2010, 10:10 PM
In our quest to cast light to gifted consultants and talented astrologers and authors, IΆd like to introduce for the first time to the Greek astrology lovers, Kim Falconer, one of the most eminent astrologers, and promising writers who has earned aknowledgment and respect, throughout the world.
Being naturally talented, smart and voluminous, Kim wrote her first story about a Halloween cat, at the age of five. She 's been daydreaming ever since and as herself describes it "I now daydream for a living".
From her early youth she turned to astrology and her research was focused on human relations. She is an admirer of Mythology and educatee of Y. Filoshophy and metaphysical philosophy. Her sharp mind and deep need for knowledge provided her with all the support and enthousiasm she could get, and her succesfull research on powers and celestial bodies contributed to their reassessment by the astrological community. Oh yes, she gave α real boost to astrology.
In 2005, she published her book entitled "Astrology and Αptitude" and she is the author of hundreds of articles being published in astrology magazines. Vigorous and restless, an ease and joyfull personality, Kim Falconer keeps on gathering information and knowledge on every field evokes her curiosity. She has studied among others socio--technology and web design in Open Universities Australia, alternative health, art history, quantum physics theory, marine biology, veterinary nursing, SCUBA diving, yoga, marcial arts (Iaido), music (banjo, mandolin, guitar), and her list of interests is still growing.
She maintains two astrology web sites that she is really proud of: Kim Falconer's Astrology and the Law of Attraction ( and Preloading ( and sheΆs now undergoing a Masters Degree in Writing.
Her debut in the Science Fantasy genre is the Quantum Enchantment Series. Book One "Spell of Rosette", came out in January 2009 and hit the best sellers list straight up.
Her advice which herself exercises with great success is...
"Our birth chart is like a map. Expand your chart! Expand your boundaries!"
So, let's all meet Kim Falconer, a real conqueror!
MyHoroscope: So, Mrs Falconer let's begin with an introduction to our readers. I was quite astonished by your resimate. You have extensive credentials and many quite different interests. Would you like to share with our readers a little about yourself?
Kim Falconer: IΆm an eternal student, curious about everything! (Gemini, did you guess already?) I was born in Santa Cruz, California into a family with occult ties. My grandmother was fascinated by Madame Blavatsky and my father was an astrologer before me. I learned meditation from a Native American elder as a child. At 26 I emigrated to Australia (with my husband), had my son in WA (heΆs a brilliant computer animator now) and raised him up in Byron Bay (without my husband).
I have a tendency to get accreditation in whatever I do—resulting in a drawer full of certificates, diplomas and published articles and a few book titles too. IΆve practiced astrology for over thirty five years and have clients all over the world. I now have the privilege of being a novelist, meaning I daydream for a living, writing in a little cottage near the sea. I live with two cats and a family of Teresina crows, play Spanish guitar and mandolin, have Egyptian tattoos, love to dance, and train with a Samurai sword. My perspective is simple: IΆm a spiritual being in physical body here to enjoy life.
MyHoroscope: I bet that there are a lot of people wondering what the natal chart of such a talented person like yourself looks like. Is there any aspect or other specific part of your chart, that you are really proud of? I hear that your father was also an astrologer..So, astrologically speaking, what would you say that he passed on to you?
Kim Falconer: My dad is my 29 degrees of Leo rising. ThatΆs on Regulus, the ΅astrologerΆs starΆ. He is also my Pluto on the Ascendant square the sun. It wasnΆt always an easy road with him, but I am stronger for it.
I love having Neptune on Spica (which was my dadΆs lunar placement) and trine my closest conjunction, Venus/Jupiter. ThatΆs been a road to bliss! Oh, and Mars in Capricorn. IΆm grateful for the fortitude that brings.
MyHoroscope: What in your opinion draw people away from astrology, and what makes her valuable?
Kim Falconer: What makes astrology valuable? ItΆs this brilliant, complex and beautiful symbol system that brings order and structure to an otherwise chaotic universe. ItΆs a road to the soul. Nourishment. I donΆt know what people uneducated in this field use for a point of reference. Then remember, I grew up with it. It is my language.
MyHoroscope: Jeannette Maw says in her article "Law of Attraction and Astrology - Choose Your Astrology Wisely" : “The beauty of astrology is that there are so many ways to interpret it”. Isn't it though the major default of astrology?
Kim Falconer: That the symbolic meaning is open to interpretation is what keeps it fresh, real and meaningful. Ultimately itΆs not about being ΅rightΆ in some external way. ItΆs about finding meaning, and that will always be different to each of us.
MyHoroscope: Despite my previous concern, I found your theory about The Law of Attraction in Astrology, really revealing. Would you like to analyze this theory for our readers
Kim Falconer: I have analysed it in a page on my website. Astrology & LOA ( As I said there, we aren't the way we are because of our birth data. Turn it around. We are born at a particular time because of who we are. We don't come here with a clean slate. We have core values, beliefs, likes and dislikes from 'before'. Law of Attraction says 'like attracts like'. Everything in our lives is in alignment with our vibration. We get what we vibrate! Astrology is not in contradiction to this. We are born when we are (the sun, moon, and planets in a certain place) because it's a perfect match!
Example: Accomplishment isn't one of my core values because I was born with 3 planets (Sun, Mercury, Jupiter) in the 10th house. I was born with three planets in the 10th house because one of my core values is accomplishment.
MyHoroscope: According to the declination of the aspects- even if the declinations of the aspects are too tight comparing with the past - we discern a notable variation from astrologer to astrologer for each one of them pleads private research that confirms his choice.
Do you agree with the words of Marc Edmund Jones, that the declination of the aspects in astrology is a matter of primal significance? Why have we failed to adopt a mutually agreed pattern till today?
Kim Falconer: I use declinations (parallel and contra-parallel) all the time. My dad used them and thatΆs where I learned. They connect natal, synastry and transits in ways that may not be obvious if they werenΆt considered. This isnΆt the first time weΆve discovered a wide difference of opinion among astrologers (think of the house systems!). Why some swear by them and others do night is probably the simple physics—the observer effect. that we get what we are looking for. If our intention is to ΅seeΆ how they connect planets and points in a meaningful way, then we will. That which is observed is depends on the observer!
MyHoroscope: Astrology can direct us to explore our abilities, also can help us enlighten and attend our inner needs. And what happens if there is a conflict between those two?. Does Astrology provide any solutions?
Kim Falconer: We get these conflicts all the time! Just being able to tell the client with Jupiter opposite Saturn, for example, that it is quite natural for them to be of two minds when it comes to creative expression is helpful. It validates their feelings—takes the pressure off.
To me the astrological chart is a map. ItΆs not there to provide solutions to its varying landscapes any more than the map is there to tell us where to go. ThatΆs our job. ThatΆs consciousness. But the chart does tell us what the terrain is like. For example, if I have Venus in a T-square with Uranus opposite Saturn, astrology can show me that there are some divergent needs when it comes to socially significant relationships. I would probably have some hard-to-reconcile core values too like conservatism AND eccentricity, a need for freedom AND closeness. Astrology brings awareness and self acceptance. It helps us understand who we are. The chart doesnΆtΆ say what to do about our conflicts but it does help us appreciate our inner landscapes. When we realise that we need to do BOTH, not either/or, we start to really use the map. Forming relationships that allow for freedom and closeness (not one or the other) can turn a struggle into an authentic expression.
Without astrology, we measure ourselves against social norms—you ΅shouldΆ be settled down by now, they might say, but that doesnΆt have much meaning to the Sagittarius rising with six planets in the 9th house and sun conjunct Uranus. That would be like hammering a square peg into a round hole. Ouch! Here the solution astrology provides is the courage to ΅be yourselfΆ and to do that we must first know ourselves. Nothing beats the natal chart for that. ItΆs like looking in a magic mirror.
MyHoroscope: What field in human relations does Eros fulfill? Is it true that Eros influence is inversely proportional to his size? In what way an Eros-Psyche conjunction in a synastry chart, is more intense than Venus –Mars conjunction or a Pluto-Mars conjunction?
Kim Falconer: Asteroid 433 Eros is a symbol for a specific kind of love. When touched off by transit, aspect or synastry, Eros evokes passions that ignore lunar comfort, Venus sensuality or Mars desires. Eros is not about relationships that make us feel secure. It is not about getting our way or winning love. It is not about commitment or harmony. Eros describes something altogether different. It describes the nature of erotic love. This is Eros as the ancients meant it—the kind of love that brings two or more people together in such a way that there is a lasting transformation. Not that the connection might be lasting, but the growth, the change and the creativity that accompanies it.
At first, it may seem excessive to study Eros when the horoscope is full of other classically important symbols. Between mid-points, Arabic parts, fixed stars, Centaurs and other bodies, isnΆt it already getting too complex? As eminent astrologer/author Dennis Elwell says: We are talking about human beings here. It is supposed to be complex!
Eros/Psyche is not more intense than Venus/Mars, or any other conjunction. ItΆs different. It symbolizes different things—drives, desires, needs, values. And it can matter where in the chart Eros is placed. If it is in the fourth house and square the Sun, we might go through much life not noticing this side of ourselves at all. (but we will notice it in others!) If it is on the ascendant and sextile the Sun, we are more likely to identify with our erotic nature. I do feel Eros has a powerful effect for its size, conscious or unconscious. The asteroids never cease to amazing me how relevant they are.
MyHoroscope: You happen to be one of the most gifted astrologers nowdays and the most crucial part of your research, applies in human relations. Can you share with us, the most important indicators that are significant to our development through our lives?
Kim Falconer: Thank you for those very kind words. I wish I could give a concrete answer here but it varies with each individual. IΆve seen people not budge under full blow Uranus transits and others find their true calling under the ΅harshestΆ of Saturn contacts. There are so many variables that when reading the chart we have to consider the place the client is in their lives, the values, sense of worthiness, and how much they trust their own intuition. Having said that there are some contacts that often indicate significant development. First, the key Saturn –conjunction, square and opposition—that come around every seven years. They bring opportunities to ΅get authenticΆ and in alignment with ourselves. (The major cause of unhappiness is trying to be someone we are not!) Closer to home, the solar return has a lot of energy around it for growth and fulfilment—and thatΆs once a year. Any outer planet (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) to the personal planets (Sun – Mars) or to the Angles is a strong indicator of course.
Some of the less talked about contacts that can be associated with major life changes are outer planet transits to the Vertex, (only when the birth time is accurate) progressions of the sun (these really shine the light of consciousness on the target planet or point) and transits to the Draconic chart. Another big indicator is synastry contacts. If I form a close relationship with someone whose natal Uranus is conjunct my Ascendant, just being with that person is going to coincide with big changes. People are like permanent transits!
MyHoroscope: How do you interpret void of course moon in Horary Astrology?
Kim Falconer: I love the VOC moon in horary. It brings a clear, simple and immediate answer. ΅There is nothing to worry about. Nothing will happen. Nothing will come of the question.Ά If this is an illness query or some other fear, a VOC moon is very welcome. If the question is about a hoped for relationship, it may not be such good news, but in horary, the applying aspects of the moon tell us what actions will occur regarding the thing asked about. If here are no applying aspects, then nothing is going on.
MyHoroscope: You have said once that, according to the myth of Sedna, during your meditation, you came across the conclusion that your fingers wanted to pass through all boundaries without any limits. How does meditation and the art of Iaido interact with astrology?
Kim Falconer: We can see mediations, or Iaido—the art of the samurai sword—as an expression of the chart. I have Pluto conjunct Pallas Athene in the twelfth house and to me martial arts have always been a way to journey to my inner landscapes. As a matter of fact, anyone with twelfth house planets may find both meditation an martial arts supportive pursuits, especially if Chiron is involved.
I also have Neptune in the third house and find meditation is a way to experience different states of consciousness. Without that, my busy Gemini mind would contrast with the mustical pull of Neptune. Meditation isnΆt the only way to express a 3rd house Neptune though. I could write science fantasy novels (which I do) or I could belly dance (which IΆd like to do!).
One of my early teachers told me that we could ΅outgrowΆ the chart. I didnΆt know what she meant for a very long time. Now I see it as a difference of dimensions. Astrology is a symbolic reference that functions inside a closed system. Consciousness, on the other hand, is not bound to that closed system. ItΆs limitless.
MyHoroscope: I would like to congratulate you for the release of your latest novel: Strange Attractors Book 3 of the Quantum Enchantment Series by HarperCollins Australia earlier in February. Can you share with our readers who are not yet familiar with your work a little about this series? It's α quite fascinating blend of actual magic, spellcraft, and – of course – astrology. I couldn't help noticing that Rosette is learning how to practice the arts of witchcraft, stars and sword. Is there by any chance you made her up as a reflection of yourself...?
Kim Falconer: My first series, Quantum Enchantment 1 - 3, is Άspeculative fictionΆ–a story about real people up against the wall, immersed in nano-technology and witchcraft, hard edged transits, fast horses, hot bards, stunning tattoos and environments on the brink of destruction. I juxtaposes different realities — shifting world views that contrast each other. Gaela is an agrarian–based, magical hegemony where witches are like sword wielding shamans — leaders in the community, ΅star watchersΆ both respected and admired. The future Earth is dark, Orwellian, a dystopia — a hegemony of failing technological where the Hammer of Witches has been reinstated. I weave elements of fantasy and science fiction, exploring Arthur C. Clarke's notion: ΅Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.Ά Have you guessed yet? I have an Aquarius moon!
The second series, Quantum Encryption, goes deeper into these worlds dealing with oppressive governments, gender biases, occult knowledge, non–human sentience, relationships, speciesism, the numinous, astrology and geo-engineering. These are contemporary topics but when woven into a ΅Fantasy/SFΆ we see them at a distance. Perhaps we learn more because they arenΆt immediately threatening. It's only a story . . .
It all starts in book 1, The Spell of Rosette, when a young girl comes home to find her family murdered. It's a fast paced fantasy adventure on one hand and a gritty speclative fiction narrative on the other. Between the lines I play with the ΅hardΆ questions of science: Is quantum theory relevant in the ΅real worldΆ or is it, as some say, only applicable to the world of the very small, to mathematical equations? In the Spell of Rosette we find out what happens when it does apply to our everyday lives. We discover what it would be like if we could see ΅symmetrical timeΆ, or if quantum computers got out of their baths (their controlled environments) and had lives of their own. I also play with the notions of relationship, meaning and truth.
Is Rosette a reflection of me? She is a Gemini, so maybe we are twins. (I give all my characters natal charts!) I think there is an element of myself in all the characters from Kreshkali to Teg to the enigmatic temple cats. They all came from some aspect of myself! And, there is more to come. Book 4, Path of the Stray is out this August and I am working on book 5, Road to the Soul, & book 6 Journey by Night, as we speak!
MyHoroscope: So, Mrs Falconer, on behalf of MyHoroscope, I would like to thank you very much for your kind time and for this lovely chat! I am sure that our readers will enjoy it as much as we did. Keep up the good work and we are looking forward to your next work!
Kim Falconer: I would like to thank so much Socrates and everyone at MyHoroscope for inviting me here. It is a privilege to be part of your astrological community. Namaste and best wishes.
Being naturally talented, smart and voluminous, Kim wrote her first story about a Halloween cat, at the age of five. She 's been daydreaming ever since and as herself describes it "I now daydream for a living".
From her early youth she turned to astrology and her research was focused on human relations. She is an admirer of Mythology and educatee of Y. Filoshophy and metaphysical philosophy. Her sharp mind and deep need for knowledge provided her with all the support and enthousiasm she could get, and her succesfull research on powers and celestial bodies contributed to their reassessment by the astrological community. Oh yes, she gave α real boost to astrology.
In 2005, she published her book entitled "Astrology and Αptitude" and she is the author of hundreds of articles being published in astrology magazines. Vigorous and restless, an ease and joyfull personality, Kim Falconer keeps on gathering information and knowledge on every field evokes her curiosity. She has studied among others socio--technology and web design in Open Universities Australia, alternative health, art history, quantum physics theory, marine biology, veterinary nursing, SCUBA diving, yoga, marcial arts (Iaido), music (banjo, mandolin, guitar), and her list of interests is still growing.
She maintains two astrology web sites that she is really proud of: Kim Falconer's Astrology and the Law of Attraction ( and Preloading ( and sheΆs now undergoing a Masters Degree in Writing.
Her debut in the Science Fantasy genre is the Quantum Enchantment Series. Book One "Spell of Rosette", came out in January 2009 and hit the best sellers list straight up.
Her advice which herself exercises with great success is...
"Our birth chart is like a map. Expand your chart! Expand your boundaries!"
So, let's all meet Kim Falconer, a real conqueror!
MyHoroscope: So, Mrs Falconer let's begin with an introduction to our readers. I was quite astonished by your resimate. You have extensive credentials and many quite different interests. Would you like to share with our readers a little about yourself?
Kim Falconer: IΆm an eternal student, curious about everything! (Gemini, did you guess already?) I was born in Santa Cruz, California into a family with occult ties. My grandmother was fascinated by Madame Blavatsky and my father was an astrologer before me. I learned meditation from a Native American elder as a child. At 26 I emigrated to Australia (with my husband), had my son in WA (heΆs a brilliant computer animator now) and raised him up in Byron Bay (without my husband).
I have a tendency to get accreditation in whatever I do—resulting in a drawer full of certificates, diplomas and published articles and a few book titles too. IΆve practiced astrology for over thirty five years and have clients all over the world. I now have the privilege of being a novelist, meaning I daydream for a living, writing in a little cottage near the sea. I live with two cats and a family of Teresina crows, play Spanish guitar and mandolin, have Egyptian tattoos, love to dance, and train with a Samurai sword. My perspective is simple: IΆm a spiritual being in physical body here to enjoy life.
MyHoroscope: I bet that there are a lot of people wondering what the natal chart of such a talented person like yourself looks like. Is there any aspect or other specific part of your chart, that you are really proud of? I hear that your father was also an astrologer..So, astrologically speaking, what would you say that he passed on to you?
Kim Falconer: My dad is my 29 degrees of Leo rising. ThatΆs on Regulus, the ΅astrologerΆs starΆ. He is also my Pluto on the Ascendant square the sun. It wasnΆt always an easy road with him, but I am stronger for it.
I love having Neptune on Spica (which was my dadΆs lunar placement) and trine my closest conjunction, Venus/Jupiter. ThatΆs been a road to bliss! Oh, and Mars in Capricorn. IΆm grateful for the fortitude that brings.
MyHoroscope: What in your opinion draw people away from astrology, and what makes her valuable?
Kim Falconer: What makes astrology valuable? ItΆs this brilliant, complex and beautiful symbol system that brings order and structure to an otherwise chaotic universe. ItΆs a road to the soul. Nourishment. I donΆt know what people uneducated in this field use for a point of reference. Then remember, I grew up with it. It is my language.
MyHoroscope: Jeannette Maw says in her article "Law of Attraction and Astrology - Choose Your Astrology Wisely" : “The beauty of astrology is that there are so many ways to interpret it”. Isn't it though the major default of astrology?
Kim Falconer: That the symbolic meaning is open to interpretation is what keeps it fresh, real and meaningful. Ultimately itΆs not about being ΅rightΆ in some external way. ItΆs about finding meaning, and that will always be different to each of us.
MyHoroscope: Despite my previous concern, I found your theory about The Law of Attraction in Astrology, really revealing. Would you like to analyze this theory for our readers
Kim Falconer: I have analysed it in a page on my website. Astrology & LOA ( As I said there, we aren't the way we are because of our birth data. Turn it around. We are born at a particular time because of who we are. We don't come here with a clean slate. We have core values, beliefs, likes and dislikes from 'before'. Law of Attraction says 'like attracts like'. Everything in our lives is in alignment with our vibration. We get what we vibrate! Astrology is not in contradiction to this. We are born when we are (the sun, moon, and planets in a certain place) because it's a perfect match!
Example: Accomplishment isn't one of my core values because I was born with 3 planets (Sun, Mercury, Jupiter) in the 10th house. I was born with three planets in the 10th house because one of my core values is accomplishment.
MyHoroscope: According to the declination of the aspects- even if the declinations of the aspects are too tight comparing with the past - we discern a notable variation from astrologer to astrologer for each one of them pleads private research that confirms his choice.
Do you agree with the words of Marc Edmund Jones, that the declination of the aspects in astrology is a matter of primal significance? Why have we failed to adopt a mutually agreed pattern till today?
Kim Falconer: I use declinations (parallel and contra-parallel) all the time. My dad used them and thatΆs where I learned. They connect natal, synastry and transits in ways that may not be obvious if they werenΆt considered. This isnΆt the first time weΆve discovered a wide difference of opinion among astrologers (think of the house systems!). Why some swear by them and others do night is probably the simple physics—the observer effect. that we get what we are looking for. If our intention is to ΅seeΆ how they connect planets and points in a meaningful way, then we will. That which is observed is depends on the observer!
MyHoroscope: Astrology can direct us to explore our abilities, also can help us enlighten and attend our inner needs. And what happens if there is a conflict between those two?. Does Astrology provide any solutions?
Kim Falconer: We get these conflicts all the time! Just being able to tell the client with Jupiter opposite Saturn, for example, that it is quite natural for them to be of two minds when it comes to creative expression is helpful. It validates their feelings—takes the pressure off.
To me the astrological chart is a map. ItΆs not there to provide solutions to its varying landscapes any more than the map is there to tell us where to go. ThatΆs our job. ThatΆs consciousness. But the chart does tell us what the terrain is like. For example, if I have Venus in a T-square with Uranus opposite Saturn, astrology can show me that there are some divergent needs when it comes to socially significant relationships. I would probably have some hard-to-reconcile core values too like conservatism AND eccentricity, a need for freedom AND closeness. Astrology brings awareness and self acceptance. It helps us understand who we are. The chart doesnΆtΆ say what to do about our conflicts but it does help us appreciate our inner landscapes. When we realise that we need to do BOTH, not either/or, we start to really use the map. Forming relationships that allow for freedom and closeness (not one or the other) can turn a struggle into an authentic expression.
Without astrology, we measure ourselves against social norms—you ΅shouldΆ be settled down by now, they might say, but that doesnΆt have much meaning to the Sagittarius rising with six planets in the 9th house and sun conjunct Uranus. That would be like hammering a square peg into a round hole. Ouch! Here the solution astrology provides is the courage to ΅be yourselfΆ and to do that we must first know ourselves. Nothing beats the natal chart for that. ItΆs like looking in a magic mirror.
MyHoroscope: What field in human relations does Eros fulfill? Is it true that Eros influence is inversely proportional to his size? In what way an Eros-Psyche conjunction in a synastry chart, is more intense than Venus –Mars conjunction or a Pluto-Mars conjunction?
Kim Falconer: Asteroid 433 Eros is a symbol for a specific kind of love. When touched off by transit, aspect or synastry, Eros evokes passions that ignore lunar comfort, Venus sensuality or Mars desires. Eros is not about relationships that make us feel secure. It is not about getting our way or winning love. It is not about commitment or harmony. Eros describes something altogether different. It describes the nature of erotic love. This is Eros as the ancients meant it—the kind of love that brings two or more people together in such a way that there is a lasting transformation. Not that the connection might be lasting, but the growth, the change and the creativity that accompanies it.
At first, it may seem excessive to study Eros when the horoscope is full of other classically important symbols. Between mid-points, Arabic parts, fixed stars, Centaurs and other bodies, isnΆt it already getting too complex? As eminent astrologer/author Dennis Elwell says: We are talking about human beings here. It is supposed to be complex!
Eros/Psyche is not more intense than Venus/Mars, or any other conjunction. ItΆs different. It symbolizes different things—drives, desires, needs, values. And it can matter where in the chart Eros is placed. If it is in the fourth house and square the Sun, we might go through much life not noticing this side of ourselves at all. (but we will notice it in others!) If it is on the ascendant and sextile the Sun, we are more likely to identify with our erotic nature. I do feel Eros has a powerful effect for its size, conscious or unconscious. The asteroids never cease to amazing me how relevant they are.
MyHoroscope: You happen to be one of the most gifted astrologers nowdays and the most crucial part of your research, applies in human relations. Can you share with us, the most important indicators that are significant to our development through our lives?
Kim Falconer: Thank you for those very kind words. I wish I could give a concrete answer here but it varies with each individual. IΆve seen people not budge under full blow Uranus transits and others find their true calling under the ΅harshestΆ of Saturn contacts. There are so many variables that when reading the chart we have to consider the place the client is in their lives, the values, sense of worthiness, and how much they trust their own intuition. Having said that there are some contacts that often indicate significant development. First, the key Saturn –conjunction, square and opposition—that come around every seven years. They bring opportunities to ΅get authenticΆ and in alignment with ourselves. (The major cause of unhappiness is trying to be someone we are not!) Closer to home, the solar return has a lot of energy around it for growth and fulfilment—and thatΆs once a year. Any outer planet (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) to the personal planets (Sun – Mars) or to the Angles is a strong indicator of course.
Some of the less talked about contacts that can be associated with major life changes are outer planet transits to the Vertex, (only when the birth time is accurate) progressions of the sun (these really shine the light of consciousness on the target planet or point) and transits to the Draconic chart. Another big indicator is synastry contacts. If I form a close relationship with someone whose natal Uranus is conjunct my Ascendant, just being with that person is going to coincide with big changes. People are like permanent transits!
MyHoroscope: How do you interpret void of course moon in Horary Astrology?
Kim Falconer: I love the VOC moon in horary. It brings a clear, simple and immediate answer. ΅There is nothing to worry about. Nothing will happen. Nothing will come of the question.Ά If this is an illness query or some other fear, a VOC moon is very welcome. If the question is about a hoped for relationship, it may not be such good news, but in horary, the applying aspects of the moon tell us what actions will occur regarding the thing asked about. If here are no applying aspects, then nothing is going on.
MyHoroscope: You have said once that, according to the myth of Sedna, during your meditation, you came across the conclusion that your fingers wanted to pass through all boundaries without any limits. How does meditation and the art of Iaido interact with astrology?
Kim Falconer: We can see mediations, or Iaido—the art of the samurai sword—as an expression of the chart. I have Pluto conjunct Pallas Athene in the twelfth house and to me martial arts have always been a way to journey to my inner landscapes. As a matter of fact, anyone with twelfth house planets may find both meditation an martial arts supportive pursuits, especially if Chiron is involved.
I also have Neptune in the third house and find meditation is a way to experience different states of consciousness. Without that, my busy Gemini mind would contrast with the mustical pull of Neptune. Meditation isnΆt the only way to express a 3rd house Neptune though. I could write science fantasy novels (which I do) or I could belly dance (which IΆd like to do!).
One of my early teachers told me that we could ΅outgrowΆ the chart. I didnΆt know what she meant for a very long time. Now I see it as a difference of dimensions. Astrology is a symbolic reference that functions inside a closed system. Consciousness, on the other hand, is not bound to that closed system. ItΆs limitless.
MyHoroscope: I would like to congratulate you for the release of your latest novel: Strange Attractors Book 3 of the Quantum Enchantment Series by HarperCollins Australia earlier in February. Can you share with our readers who are not yet familiar with your work a little about this series? It's α quite fascinating blend of actual magic, spellcraft, and – of course – astrology. I couldn't help noticing that Rosette is learning how to practice the arts of witchcraft, stars and sword. Is there by any chance you made her up as a reflection of yourself...?
Kim Falconer: My first series, Quantum Enchantment 1 - 3, is Άspeculative fictionΆ–a story about real people up against the wall, immersed in nano-technology and witchcraft, hard edged transits, fast horses, hot bards, stunning tattoos and environments on the brink of destruction. I juxtaposes different realities — shifting world views that contrast each other. Gaela is an agrarian–based, magical hegemony where witches are like sword wielding shamans — leaders in the community, ΅star watchersΆ both respected and admired. The future Earth is dark, Orwellian, a dystopia — a hegemony of failing technological where the Hammer of Witches has been reinstated. I weave elements of fantasy and science fiction, exploring Arthur C. Clarke's notion: ΅Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.Ά Have you guessed yet? I have an Aquarius moon!
The second series, Quantum Encryption, goes deeper into these worlds dealing with oppressive governments, gender biases, occult knowledge, non–human sentience, relationships, speciesism, the numinous, astrology and geo-engineering. These are contemporary topics but when woven into a ΅Fantasy/SFΆ we see them at a distance. Perhaps we learn more because they arenΆt immediately threatening. It's only a story . . .
It all starts in book 1, The Spell of Rosette, when a young girl comes home to find her family murdered. It's a fast paced fantasy adventure on one hand and a gritty speclative fiction narrative on the other. Between the lines I play with the ΅hardΆ questions of science: Is quantum theory relevant in the ΅real worldΆ or is it, as some say, only applicable to the world of the very small, to mathematical equations? In the Spell of Rosette we find out what happens when it does apply to our everyday lives. We discover what it would be like if we could see ΅symmetrical timeΆ, or if quantum computers got out of their baths (their controlled environments) and had lives of their own. I also play with the notions of relationship, meaning and truth.
Is Rosette a reflection of me? She is a Gemini, so maybe we are twins. (I give all my characters natal charts!) I think there is an element of myself in all the characters from Kreshkali to Teg to the enigmatic temple cats. They all came from some aspect of myself! And, there is more to come. Book 4, Path of the Stray is out this August and I am working on book 5, Road to the Soul, & book 6 Journey by Night, as we speak!
MyHoroscope: So, Mrs Falconer, on behalf of MyHoroscope, I would like to thank you very much for your kind time and for this lovely chat! I am sure that our readers will enjoy it as much as we did. Keep up the good work and we are looking forward to your next work!
Kim Falconer: I would like to thank so much Socrates and everyone at MyHoroscope for inviting me here. It is a privilege to be part of your astrological community. Namaste and best wishes.