gold soul
09-10-2011, 06:19 PM
Alphee Lavoie is a prominent American astrologer, author, researcher,software developer, finacial analyst, and lecturer. For over 45 years he has earned his reputation as a master astrologer and he is certified in counselling and rectification (N.C.G.R. Level IV). He moved from Northern Maine to Connecticut when he was 18 to study Engineering. Alphee worked as an engineer in the aerospace industry for many years.
He began studying astrology in the early 1950’s after he read Alan Leo’s book How To Cast Your Own Horoscope. In 1977 he began The Astrological Institute of Research, the first astrology school in Connecticut and center for counselling with astrology. Alphee was instrumental in legalizing astrology as a profession under Connecticut laws. He worked with the legislature to get the recognition for his chosen profession that allowed all astrologers to practice without fearing legal problems.
His company, AIR Software (, sells software worldwide. AIR is the home of the Millennium Software and 19 other pieces of software including, Nostradamus II, Father Time II , The Right Decision, and the Award winning Market Trader software, all with Artificial Intelligence. It offers traders of all markets the most advanced, sophisticated, yet easy to use innovations for the most success in financial trading. In October 2006 he began Alphee’s Astrology School that will be the first astrology school to offer a live visual and audio online astrology educational experience.
Alphee has served as research director of the National Council of Geocosmic Research over 15 years, he is also the director of the Astro Investigators (, a group of astrologers and researchers attempting to find correlations between planetary positions and various mundane conditions – weather, careers, marriages, substance abuse, and a myriad of other topics.
He has published 4 books, Lose This Book and Find it Through Horary, Horary At Its Best, Horary Lectures, Four Paths to God and he is the editor of one more, Essentials of Intermediate Astrology.
He is married Carol Lavoie (, a professional astrologer and also his partner in AIR Software. His wife assists him throughout his many endeavors and handling all the demands that keep a company up and running. They have six children, 15 grandchildren, and 2 grandchildren. They live in West Hartford, CT. Alphee is a big fan of country music, he has a big collection of horses and one of his hobbies is oil painting.
First to visually indicate retrograde periods in his software’s ephemeris with a distinctive gray background.
Developed extremely accurate system of rectification, using the 90-degree dial.
Invented the “Alphee Twist” – showing exact timing of events when the angles of one directed chart converge with points in its converse counterpart to make exact aspects with points descriptive of the event.
The vision to go beyond the limitations of traditional Astro*Carto*Graphy and develop software that utilizes the entire chart in locality mapping, and not just singular, often impractical, planetary lines.
Developed many graphic tools, like Time Tunnel, Chart Ratings and Super Search to help a counselling instantly visualize the important upcoming events for a client while in session.
The daring concept that employs every degree, or even fraction of a degree, to give better results in identifying what moves the stock market then the accepted, never-questioned, traditional practice of mainly using the five Ptolemaic aspects.
MyHoroscope: Mr Lavoie, you‘ve studied engineering and you worked as an engineer in the aerospace industry for many years. However, astrology won you over. What was the exciting thing about astrology? Is it the travel to self-knowledge or simply the use of astrology as a predictive tool?
Alphee Lavoie: In 1952 while I was playing hockey my kneecap was pulled right out of my knee. I ended up in the hospital for six months with blood poisoning. One of the nurses brought me the book "How to Calculate Your Own Horoscope” by Alan Leo. A week later I had calculated my horoscope and that's where it all began.
In 1965 I went through a nasty divorce and ended up with the custody of my five children. It became very hard to work a full-time job and be a single parent. So I decided to quit my job and began doing astrology counseling. It was very difficult at the beginning but I had a lot of people from different career fields sending me clients. In 1969 I was offered a great job with a fabulous salary as a project design engineer. I figured that my children were getting older and after struggling doing astrology counseling I decided to take the job. Less than a week before I was to start I passed out and woke up in the hospital 93 days later. I was told that I had a ruptured appendix. When I finally came to, the first words out of my mouth to the attending nurse was "call my daughter and tell her to bring my astrology books because I will stay in astrology". The hospital that I was in was a Catholic hospital. The head nun thought that I had gone crazy. Need I need to say more? I've been in astrologer every since.
MyHoroscope: Do you think that astrology can contribute or even alter the evolutionary process of humanity and if so, in which way?
Alphee Lavoie: All systems can contribute to the evolutionary process. Astrology is the very best path that I know of to offer self awareness and enlightenment about oneself and the world around us. But this is a loaded question. First we have to be accepted by the outsiders. This is something that didn't happen so far. This is why I spent the last 20 plus years researching and writing software to predict the stock market using astrology. This way I felt that if we could market that to the masses who deal with the root of all evil - money – (just kidding) then we could stand a better chance to be recognized. No matter how much work you do to prove astrology you have hundreds of thousands of astrologers promoting the kind of astrology that we are constantly laughed at by the outsiders. Coming from an engineering background my life goal has been to bring astrology to an accepted level by the public at large and have it used by professionals in major institutions, such as schools and businesses.
MyHoroscope: We practically live in an era where daily demands and requirements are continually rising, leaving us with the minimal personally available time. You have founded an international on line school, actually the first audio visual astrology school in real time. MyHoroscope has an on line school as well. Do you think that this way of teaching is more suitable or practical for the modern man? What about the direct contact of the teacher-astrologer and the student?
Alphee Lavoie: Those are good questions. As we are now in the computer age and moving faster than ever with newer, faster and more sophisticated technology to bring the world together more quickly, the logical outgrowth of that is online schools. It’s amazing to have a teacher offer a class from Australia to students who are online from 20 different countries! True, there is no physical teacher-student contact when attending a class online but as schools develop webcam capability atleast eye contact and watching unspoken gestures and expressions can help bridge the gap of non physical presence. I also think that the voice vibration by itself of those speaking/teaching also offers clues as to mood and feelings. I know quite a few astrologers who advertise their astrology classes and nobody seems to be interested. Today we prefer to sit in the comfort of our own home to log onto the internet rather than jump in the car on a cold winter night to go to class. It’s a paradox for sure. We are growing ‘closer’ in terms of distance and yet more isolated and that all important element of physical, human interaction seems to be going by the wayside.
A lot of newcomers learn astrology by reading all kinds of different articles on the Internet and most of these websites articles were written by people who read a few astrology books and became an astrologer overnight. An online school is usually considered worthwhile by astrologers. The younger generation seems to get most of their knowledge from the Internet so the online school fits right in. They learned that from watching a lot of television and playing video games and Wii. They feel right at home with this energy. And now there are sites that allow for week long online astrology conferences with multiple classrooms and 7 astrologers teaching at once! How exciting this is! Oh, I feel this is the wave of the future and even colleges are starting to utilize this technique.
MyHoroscope: Computer and advanced software technology had a major impact in Astrology’s progress. In the era of the World Wide Web, how can we achieve the widespread acceptance of astrology?
Alphee Lavoie: I don't know if the Internet and websites will really help professional astrology. There is potential that it could do more harm than good. I get so disgusted when I look at what's going on in world astrology on the Internet. 90% of what I read is pure garbage. You can see that many articles were not written by people who have extensive experience in astrology. When it comes to astrology my saying is let the buyer beware. The term ‘professional astrologer’ is used very loosely. You don't find that in any other profession. When I started working as an engineer it would not have taken long for my VP to find out just what I knew or didn’t know about engineering. And if he determined that I didn’t know my stuff I’d be fired and looking for another job and not in engineering. A lot of people who call themselves astrologers have a full-time job and astrology is a hobby for them; it’s fun and games. And we have no way of controlling that. So they're not really concerned with what happens to our field. They don't really care nor do they have a competency in the field because it is not their bread and butter. But to those of us who are true professional astrologers and depend on the acceptance of astrology to make a living, this becomes a deficit. I know that the NCGR and ISAR have testing for competency and I completely support testing. I also feel that even small local astrology groups should have some sort of testing on their own.
Yes, I think that the software helps professional astrologers become better astrologers. In my generation, before computers, we had to calculate everything by hand. We knew about the astronomy behind the astrology. The newbies have no idea where all that information comes from. I wrote many astrology programs to help make my job a lot easier, such as the Horary program, Electional, Right Decision and Rectification. These programs not only significantly cut your working time but also help you to give your clients more accurate answers. These software programs also help astrologers to become better astrologers. Remember you are only as good as your tools no matter what line of work you are in.
MyHoroscope: You are specialized in quite many areas of astrology, including counselling, predictive techniques, horary, electional, mundane, weather, rectification and financial astrology. If someone asked you to choose one, just one of all these fields, which one would it be and why so? Which one do you think is the most popular or even appealing to the majority of the populace?
Alphee Lavoie: That’s a tough question as I love all of the branches of astrology. I also love to do astrology research as you know. Let me think a moment. In the last few years I’ve been doing what I consider astrological CRISIS COUNSELING. Most of these clients come from astrologers all over the world who receive really tough cases and then turn them over to me. For this kind of counseling you need to use all the techniques. Let's look at an example. Let's say that a person calls asking a question about their failing business. Question: ‘I was offered to work for someone else. Should I do that or take all of my life savings and put it into my business? Or should I borrow money from the bank to keep my business?’ So while I'm talking to the client I would post the time that we spoke to draw a horary chart.
The first thing that I do is look at the natal chart to see the cycle that the client is experiencing regarding money and business. If that is halfway good then I proceed to look at the horary to show all the hidden agendas and get some answers to help make a decision as to the best action for the client to take. Let's say the answer shows that he should borrow money from the bank. Then I have to calculate an electional chart for the date and time to get the loan. I use local space to find directions for a bank from which to get the loan. Rectification is also extremely important when I work with a client. I always ask for three or four events that happened in their life and make sure it fits the chart. Of course, I can't leave out the financial astrology. I day trade and do quite well and that keeps a smile on my face. I don't play too much with mundane astrology now. I remember back in the early 80s for many years I was doing two weekly hour long radio shows and I played a lot with mundane then.
MyHoroscope: You are also the director of Astro Investigators, a group of astrologers dedicated to the scientific scrutiny of long held astrological concepts. What is the idea behind this union? What inspired you so as to create this team?
Alphee Lavoie: I have been doing this work and speaking at lectures and worldwide conferences for just about 50 years now. I’ve heard opinions and thoughts of astrologer and also hundreds of students. Just as we astrologers have different ideas about house systems (and no one has yet to agree as a whole) no one can logically prove that their house system is the one to use. The information that is being taught or passed on as gospel makes me wonder just how valid and verifiable it really is. And does it pertain to today’s consciousness? For example, most astrologers won’t make a move if the Moon is void of course as the old books give it a bad rap. Another example is that according to the old texts there is a rule that you should never read a chart if Saturn is in the 7th house representing the astrologer, who is guaranteed to be wrong with the advice. Many astrologers teach this and students believe it. Do these really work like that? That’s what my ‘gators and I investigate with research because we need to have reliable working knowledge of the rules that do work and those that do not. That’s why I created the Astro Investigators.
In addition to researching old rules we also are on the cutting edge to discover new methods and applications to make our astrology work more accurate and useful. The ‘gators have done extensive research with different careers, and the results of our synastry relationship marriage research has been used and mentioned in many lectures as well as in articles written for astrologers. We’ve conducted a research on breast cancer that really proves the efficacy of astrology. I would write the results in a scientific journal but we have a small flaw. Our sample consisted of only 526 cases which would put us in a precarious position if we were to submit this to a scientific journal. The sample size really needs to be much larger if we are to have our work accepted. But we are still collecting chart data for breast cancer survivors and someday we will write our results in a scientific journal. If anybody is interested in watching the video on our findings and our approach to this research here is URL
The ‘gators just finished a thorough weather forecasting research and we are now just writing our findings. The results will be posted on our website The Astro Investigators :: Home Page (
MyHoroscope: You have studied the meaning of the shadows of retrograde planets and their impact in everyday life. Could you please enlighten us a little bit about your research?
Alphee Lavoie: Certainly. I am not a fan of retrograde shadows. Too many astrologers are caught up in this kind of thinking. Yes, Mercury retrograde is important but I still work while Mercury is retrograde. I would not tell a client to start a business while Mercury is retrograde. If you include the shadow technique with a retrograde Mercury period of around 57 days and multiply that four times a year it totals 228 days which is 62% of a year’s time in which astrologers feel that something could go wrong. I remember when an English astrologer came to lecture in Connecticut about retrograde Mercury. She claimed that one night while Mercury was retrograde she pulled her handbrake on her car and it broke. She claimed that it happened because Mercury was retrograde. Well, what about the rest of the 6 billion people in the world?
My handbrake did not break. Astrologers make the mistake of not looking at the natal chart. There is another misnomer that is categorized as an astrologer’s nemesis and that is the Void of Course Moon. Most astrologers think that you have to stop living when the Moon is VOC. I don't even check when the Moon is void of course and still work 12 hours a day seven days a week. I remember a few years back a well-known astrologer sent me a check to rectify a chart for one of her clients. She wrote me a note saying that she didn’t want me to work on this rectification while the Moon is void of course. I sent the check back to her with a little note saying ‘sorry but I work when the Moon is void of course.’ I could tell you thousands of stories where people got burned because they refuse to do things while the Moon was void of course.
MyHoroscope: You 've done a research about planetary phases. Would you like to give us an illustration of how we could apply and use them in a birth chart or a predictive reading?
Alphee Lavoie: In viewing the sky from planet Earth all the planets go through phases just like the Moon. You can easily see the phases for the planet Venus with a low powered telescope. I found that planetary phase aspects work extremely well in predicting the financial market. This is where I use it most often. If Mars was at full phase and Venus was at the new Moon phase the phase aspect would be an opposition. If they were both at a new phase the phase aspect would be a conjunction. The following graph is how the Dow Jones performed on a Venus phase in square to a Pluto Phase. The graph shows the performance 10 days before and after the exact aspect. The vertical dotted line is day of the exact aspect.
Notice how the Dows Jones is down in the chart below in the 4th to 6th phase of Mars.
Another place where certain planetary phases showed that they worked beyond probability was in the advanced research that we conducted in careers.
MyHoroscope: There are several systems of rectification although some researchers are quite skeptical regarding the validity and the accuracy of those systems. You have developed an extremely accurate system of rectification, using the 90-degree dial. Would you like to give us an insight of this technique?
Alphee Lavoie: Yes, before computers I had devised a way to give some sort of starting points. With this technique I use only the Solar Arcs Converse and Direct and transiting planets. Usually when I rectify a chart I like to work with 6 to 7 events to begin with. If I have more events than that I use them for verification after I feel that I have a rectified chart. Of course I do not use the Moon. If you look at all the other planets their positions do not vary very much for one day. I take each of them with the Sun and the eight planets and calculate them to the fourth harmonic. I end up with 63 points and do the same with transits for each event and end up with another 63 points. In the end I have 126 points. Then I sort out these points. The degree that shows more hits (not the Sun or Moon) will be the most probable point of either the Ascendant or Midheaven. And it is that degree that I use to begin the chart rectification. This is a very good way to find a likely beginning point to start the rectification.
I wrote two software programs for rectification. One is called Rectification Zero In and the other one is called Rectification. It's almost next to impossible to rectify a chart with just a calculation program. My programs contain artificial intelligence to help locate the proper birth time. And of course there is my fourth harmonic method in each program. I love to rectify charts as it is a real challenge for my Mercury in Scorpio. But I do rectify a lot of charts for other astrologer’s clients. Like anything else the more you do the better you get at it.
MyHoroscope: Your experience coming from your multi-annual research in Stock Market astrology has shown that it really works. Even though you have mentioned that if we were to trade the market delineating all the aspects as we learn as astrologers, we would not last long in this business, because astrological aspects react totally different when dealing with the market. For example, in astro finance the square doesn't create downs and the trine doesn't create ups. Would you like to share with Greek readers some examples of your research and some graphs of your software as well?
Alphee Lavoie: There is no doubt in my mind that the market reacts to planetary cycles. Interestingly, the planets do not react the same way in the market as they do in natal astrology and this is where today’s astro traders can get tripped up. Each market acts differently. For an astro trader to tell you to get out of the market because Saturn is squaring Mars is a bold statement and it just doesn’t make any sense at all. In astrology we feel that squares are a stress aspects which should plunge a market down. But that is not how the market works!
In the following graph I show two of the supposedly most malefic pair of planets, Mars and Saturn, in the Dow Jones. The graph shows a square opening of 90° between these two planets while the Dow Jones is down. Look at the prices which really go up on the opposition. If you were a natal astrologer you would think differently. Another thing that you have to pay attention to in the market is the ‘front and back ‘ aspect. Look at the 120 opening (the front trine) and look at the 240 (the back trine). They bring higher prices in the Dow Jones. There are many of rules such as these that need to be applied differently in dealing with the market.
This is why as a market trader I will not use traditional aspects very often. With my software program, Market Trader Software, that I created through my company, Air Software, I examine each degree for every planet. In other words, the program’s artificial intelligence examines the Sun at 1° of Aries all the way through 359° of Pisces. I will change this parameter depending on the speed of the planet so with Pluto we examine every 10 minutes. This is the same concept that I use in my rectification techniques. If there's a hot degree of any planet that moves the stock up or down, the artificial intelligence will give more weight to that degree.
MyHoroscope: It is known that statistics is based upon previous events observations. However, we may confront situations that we haven’t encountered before. Do you think that astrology could enable us to predict whether a stock or the stock market’s index will respond accordingly to past observations or there is actually a certain level of unpredictability? In other words, do you think that astrology could provide us with reproducible estimations and results?
Alphee Lavoie: Yes, my research has proven beyond the shadow of doubt that astrological cycles repeat and cause the same effects in the market. Below are 2 graphs on the Dow Jones. The third graph shows how the planetary cycles can also predict temperature movement. I put the Dow Jones predictions on my website months in advance. After-the-fact I put the actual price graph on it. And as you can see the forecast was rather accurate.
Planetary composite cycles can also help predicting the daily temperature. The graph below strongly indicates that. I took the high temperature for each day for 25 years and calculated the planetary composite cycle to arrive at my forecast.
MyHoroscope: There are certain phenomena in the market which are quite unusual and seemingly rare to happen-the black swans. Nevertheless, they could have a terrible impact on economy once they rise. Do you think that we could astrologically predict such an event?
Alphee Lavoie: In the 1930’s a truly remarkable astrologer who researched the economy of the United States came to the forefront. Her name was Louise McWhirter. One of her findings showed that the placement of the North node of the Moon was very useful in predicting the economy with a good degree of accuracy. Following her research techniques it indicated that December of 2007 would be a bottom for the recession. We are now in a position where the economy is getting better day by day and in the middle of October of 2011 will be halfway between the dire state that it has been in and a normal economy. The general forecast by the time the end of August of 2012 rolls around will be normal or stable.
MyHoroscope: Where are you based upon for your astrological predictions? Do you put emphasis more on technical or fundamental analysis? Do you take into consideration except for the stock and Index prices other economic data such as the volume of transactions and the interest rates?
Alphee Lavoie: In my financial forecast all I use is the historical price for the stock under study. I let the neural net artificial intelligence module in my software program educate the computer for that market and then project ahead. I learned that to be a good trader you do your study and don't let the radio, tv or newspaper news interfere with your decision. This kind of thinking really helped me to become a better trader. My good friend, Larry Pesavento, taught me that and I’ll never forget that.
MyHoroscope: Greece is one of the countries that is heavily affected by the global debt crisis. As the indices are discounting the real economy, do you think that we have already come to a point where things could not get any worse or maybe we are about to experience a double bottom?
Alphee Lavoie: If the natal chart for Greece that I found on the Internet is March 25, 1821, then I would have to say that Greece will still have some stress until about the Autumn of 2011. The first couple weeks of February 2011 there are many positive aspects from Jupiter in the chart but this could be just a false hope without any real substance. At the end of June and the beginning of July Uranus will make an almost exact station on the Sun in the chart of the country. This could cause drastic changes but could also signify the end of many things. Uranus will make one more pass in the Spring of 2012.
The most important aspect for Greece is the Saturn opposition which began at the beginning of December 2010. The retrograde hit will be in the Spring of 2011 at the same time when Jupiter will conjunct the natal Saturn and Mars conjunct natal Mars. After this period Greece will have a good idea about how to reconstruct what has fallen and return the country to order. Note the last week of August as it is also an extremely important period. Greece will be at the last Saturn opposition but at that time Mars will also square Saturn and Pluto will station direct in square to the natal Sun. Pluto is turning direct on September 16, 2011. I feel that once this passes things will start heading back to normal. This is around the time where you might see the world economy begin to take a turn for the better.
MyHoroscope: You are the author of 4 books, Lose This Book and Find it Through Horary, Horary At Its Best, Horary Lectures, Four Paths to God and the editor of Essentials of Intermediate Astrology. Do you have any plans for a coming publication?
Alphee Lavoie: Actually, yes, I do. I have hopes of writing a book on rectification and another on electional and still another on predictive techniques and probably a few more somewhere stewing around in my brain! Somewhere down the road I would like to write a Journal on the ‘gators research findings.
MyHoroscope: After 45 years of significant contribution in astrology, what are your expectations from now on?
Alphee Lavoie: One of my main focuses is to keep doing research in astrology with my ‘gator group. I want to research many careers and create models for each of them. Then we can write a piece of software on the website where a parent can go and put in the birth data of his/her children to see where the natural talent of the child lies. If you go on Air Software: 24 Powerful Astrology & Finance Software, Free Charts, Reports, Books and Services ( click on ‘ Read Alphee's Articles’. I have article there that entitled, " A New Futuristic View of Astrological Research". This explains my approach on this project. I also want to become more active in my own online school and teach more mentoring classes in which I help astrologers and students become proficient in dealing with a multitude of client situations.
Thank you so much, myhoroscope for this wonderful opportunity to reach out and share what I can with you, your lovely readers and astrologers around the world.
God bless, Alphee
He began studying astrology in the early 1950’s after he read Alan Leo’s book How To Cast Your Own Horoscope. In 1977 he began The Astrological Institute of Research, the first astrology school in Connecticut and center for counselling with astrology. Alphee was instrumental in legalizing astrology as a profession under Connecticut laws. He worked with the legislature to get the recognition for his chosen profession that allowed all astrologers to practice without fearing legal problems.
His company, AIR Software (, sells software worldwide. AIR is the home of the Millennium Software and 19 other pieces of software including, Nostradamus II, Father Time II , The Right Decision, and the Award winning Market Trader software, all with Artificial Intelligence. It offers traders of all markets the most advanced, sophisticated, yet easy to use innovations for the most success in financial trading. In October 2006 he began Alphee’s Astrology School that will be the first astrology school to offer a live visual and audio online astrology educational experience.
Alphee has served as research director of the National Council of Geocosmic Research over 15 years, he is also the director of the Astro Investigators (, a group of astrologers and researchers attempting to find correlations between planetary positions and various mundane conditions – weather, careers, marriages, substance abuse, and a myriad of other topics.
He has published 4 books, Lose This Book and Find it Through Horary, Horary At Its Best, Horary Lectures, Four Paths to God and he is the editor of one more, Essentials of Intermediate Astrology.
He is married Carol Lavoie (, a professional astrologer and also his partner in AIR Software. His wife assists him throughout his many endeavors and handling all the demands that keep a company up and running. They have six children, 15 grandchildren, and 2 grandchildren. They live in West Hartford, CT. Alphee is a big fan of country music, he has a big collection of horses and one of his hobbies is oil painting.
First to visually indicate retrograde periods in his software’s ephemeris with a distinctive gray background.
Developed extremely accurate system of rectification, using the 90-degree dial.
Invented the “Alphee Twist” – showing exact timing of events when the angles of one directed chart converge with points in its converse counterpart to make exact aspects with points descriptive of the event.
The vision to go beyond the limitations of traditional Astro*Carto*Graphy and develop software that utilizes the entire chart in locality mapping, and not just singular, often impractical, planetary lines.
Developed many graphic tools, like Time Tunnel, Chart Ratings and Super Search to help a counselling instantly visualize the important upcoming events for a client while in session.
The daring concept that employs every degree, or even fraction of a degree, to give better results in identifying what moves the stock market then the accepted, never-questioned, traditional practice of mainly using the five Ptolemaic aspects.
MyHoroscope: Mr Lavoie, you‘ve studied engineering and you worked as an engineer in the aerospace industry for many years. However, astrology won you over. What was the exciting thing about astrology? Is it the travel to self-knowledge or simply the use of astrology as a predictive tool?
Alphee Lavoie: In 1952 while I was playing hockey my kneecap was pulled right out of my knee. I ended up in the hospital for six months with blood poisoning. One of the nurses brought me the book "How to Calculate Your Own Horoscope” by Alan Leo. A week later I had calculated my horoscope and that's where it all began.
In 1965 I went through a nasty divorce and ended up with the custody of my five children. It became very hard to work a full-time job and be a single parent. So I decided to quit my job and began doing astrology counseling. It was very difficult at the beginning but I had a lot of people from different career fields sending me clients. In 1969 I was offered a great job with a fabulous salary as a project design engineer. I figured that my children were getting older and after struggling doing astrology counseling I decided to take the job. Less than a week before I was to start I passed out and woke up in the hospital 93 days later. I was told that I had a ruptured appendix. When I finally came to, the first words out of my mouth to the attending nurse was "call my daughter and tell her to bring my astrology books because I will stay in astrology". The hospital that I was in was a Catholic hospital. The head nun thought that I had gone crazy. Need I need to say more? I've been in astrologer every since.
MyHoroscope: Do you think that astrology can contribute or even alter the evolutionary process of humanity and if so, in which way?
Alphee Lavoie: All systems can contribute to the evolutionary process. Astrology is the very best path that I know of to offer self awareness and enlightenment about oneself and the world around us. But this is a loaded question. First we have to be accepted by the outsiders. This is something that didn't happen so far. This is why I spent the last 20 plus years researching and writing software to predict the stock market using astrology. This way I felt that if we could market that to the masses who deal with the root of all evil - money – (just kidding) then we could stand a better chance to be recognized. No matter how much work you do to prove astrology you have hundreds of thousands of astrologers promoting the kind of astrology that we are constantly laughed at by the outsiders. Coming from an engineering background my life goal has been to bring astrology to an accepted level by the public at large and have it used by professionals in major institutions, such as schools and businesses.
MyHoroscope: We practically live in an era where daily demands and requirements are continually rising, leaving us with the minimal personally available time. You have founded an international on line school, actually the first audio visual astrology school in real time. MyHoroscope has an on line school as well. Do you think that this way of teaching is more suitable or practical for the modern man? What about the direct contact of the teacher-astrologer and the student?
Alphee Lavoie: Those are good questions. As we are now in the computer age and moving faster than ever with newer, faster and more sophisticated technology to bring the world together more quickly, the logical outgrowth of that is online schools. It’s amazing to have a teacher offer a class from Australia to students who are online from 20 different countries! True, there is no physical teacher-student contact when attending a class online but as schools develop webcam capability atleast eye contact and watching unspoken gestures and expressions can help bridge the gap of non physical presence. I also think that the voice vibration by itself of those speaking/teaching also offers clues as to mood and feelings. I know quite a few astrologers who advertise their astrology classes and nobody seems to be interested. Today we prefer to sit in the comfort of our own home to log onto the internet rather than jump in the car on a cold winter night to go to class. It’s a paradox for sure. We are growing ‘closer’ in terms of distance and yet more isolated and that all important element of physical, human interaction seems to be going by the wayside.
A lot of newcomers learn astrology by reading all kinds of different articles on the Internet and most of these websites articles were written by people who read a few astrology books and became an astrologer overnight. An online school is usually considered worthwhile by astrologers. The younger generation seems to get most of their knowledge from the Internet so the online school fits right in. They learned that from watching a lot of television and playing video games and Wii. They feel right at home with this energy. And now there are sites that allow for week long online astrology conferences with multiple classrooms and 7 astrologers teaching at once! How exciting this is! Oh, I feel this is the wave of the future and even colleges are starting to utilize this technique.
MyHoroscope: Computer and advanced software technology had a major impact in Astrology’s progress. In the era of the World Wide Web, how can we achieve the widespread acceptance of astrology?
Alphee Lavoie: I don't know if the Internet and websites will really help professional astrology. There is potential that it could do more harm than good. I get so disgusted when I look at what's going on in world astrology on the Internet. 90% of what I read is pure garbage. You can see that many articles were not written by people who have extensive experience in astrology. When it comes to astrology my saying is let the buyer beware. The term ‘professional astrologer’ is used very loosely. You don't find that in any other profession. When I started working as an engineer it would not have taken long for my VP to find out just what I knew or didn’t know about engineering. And if he determined that I didn’t know my stuff I’d be fired and looking for another job and not in engineering. A lot of people who call themselves astrologers have a full-time job and astrology is a hobby for them; it’s fun and games. And we have no way of controlling that. So they're not really concerned with what happens to our field. They don't really care nor do they have a competency in the field because it is not their bread and butter. But to those of us who are true professional astrologers and depend on the acceptance of astrology to make a living, this becomes a deficit. I know that the NCGR and ISAR have testing for competency and I completely support testing. I also feel that even small local astrology groups should have some sort of testing on their own.
Yes, I think that the software helps professional astrologers become better astrologers. In my generation, before computers, we had to calculate everything by hand. We knew about the astronomy behind the astrology. The newbies have no idea where all that information comes from. I wrote many astrology programs to help make my job a lot easier, such as the Horary program, Electional, Right Decision and Rectification. These programs not only significantly cut your working time but also help you to give your clients more accurate answers. These software programs also help astrologers to become better astrologers. Remember you are only as good as your tools no matter what line of work you are in.
MyHoroscope: You are specialized in quite many areas of astrology, including counselling, predictive techniques, horary, electional, mundane, weather, rectification and financial astrology. If someone asked you to choose one, just one of all these fields, which one would it be and why so? Which one do you think is the most popular or even appealing to the majority of the populace?
Alphee Lavoie: That’s a tough question as I love all of the branches of astrology. I also love to do astrology research as you know. Let me think a moment. In the last few years I’ve been doing what I consider astrological CRISIS COUNSELING. Most of these clients come from astrologers all over the world who receive really tough cases and then turn them over to me. For this kind of counseling you need to use all the techniques. Let's look at an example. Let's say that a person calls asking a question about their failing business. Question: ‘I was offered to work for someone else. Should I do that or take all of my life savings and put it into my business? Or should I borrow money from the bank to keep my business?’ So while I'm talking to the client I would post the time that we spoke to draw a horary chart.
The first thing that I do is look at the natal chart to see the cycle that the client is experiencing regarding money and business. If that is halfway good then I proceed to look at the horary to show all the hidden agendas and get some answers to help make a decision as to the best action for the client to take. Let's say the answer shows that he should borrow money from the bank. Then I have to calculate an electional chart for the date and time to get the loan. I use local space to find directions for a bank from which to get the loan. Rectification is also extremely important when I work with a client. I always ask for three or four events that happened in their life and make sure it fits the chart. Of course, I can't leave out the financial astrology. I day trade and do quite well and that keeps a smile on my face. I don't play too much with mundane astrology now. I remember back in the early 80s for many years I was doing two weekly hour long radio shows and I played a lot with mundane then.
MyHoroscope: You are also the director of Astro Investigators, a group of astrologers dedicated to the scientific scrutiny of long held astrological concepts. What is the idea behind this union? What inspired you so as to create this team?
Alphee Lavoie: I have been doing this work and speaking at lectures and worldwide conferences for just about 50 years now. I’ve heard opinions and thoughts of astrologer and also hundreds of students. Just as we astrologers have different ideas about house systems (and no one has yet to agree as a whole) no one can logically prove that their house system is the one to use. The information that is being taught or passed on as gospel makes me wonder just how valid and verifiable it really is. And does it pertain to today’s consciousness? For example, most astrologers won’t make a move if the Moon is void of course as the old books give it a bad rap. Another example is that according to the old texts there is a rule that you should never read a chart if Saturn is in the 7th house representing the astrologer, who is guaranteed to be wrong with the advice. Many astrologers teach this and students believe it. Do these really work like that? That’s what my ‘gators and I investigate with research because we need to have reliable working knowledge of the rules that do work and those that do not. That’s why I created the Astro Investigators.
In addition to researching old rules we also are on the cutting edge to discover new methods and applications to make our astrology work more accurate and useful. The ‘gators have done extensive research with different careers, and the results of our synastry relationship marriage research has been used and mentioned in many lectures as well as in articles written for astrologers. We’ve conducted a research on breast cancer that really proves the efficacy of astrology. I would write the results in a scientific journal but we have a small flaw. Our sample consisted of only 526 cases which would put us in a precarious position if we were to submit this to a scientific journal. The sample size really needs to be much larger if we are to have our work accepted. But we are still collecting chart data for breast cancer survivors and someday we will write our results in a scientific journal. If anybody is interested in watching the video on our findings and our approach to this research here is URL
The ‘gators just finished a thorough weather forecasting research and we are now just writing our findings. The results will be posted on our website The Astro Investigators :: Home Page (
MyHoroscope: You have studied the meaning of the shadows of retrograde planets and their impact in everyday life. Could you please enlighten us a little bit about your research?
Alphee Lavoie: Certainly. I am not a fan of retrograde shadows. Too many astrologers are caught up in this kind of thinking. Yes, Mercury retrograde is important but I still work while Mercury is retrograde. I would not tell a client to start a business while Mercury is retrograde. If you include the shadow technique with a retrograde Mercury period of around 57 days and multiply that four times a year it totals 228 days which is 62% of a year’s time in which astrologers feel that something could go wrong. I remember when an English astrologer came to lecture in Connecticut about retrograde Mercury. She claimed that one night while Mercury was retrograde she pulled her handbrake on her car and it broke. She claimed that it happened because Mercury was retrograde. Well, what about the rest of the 6 billion people in the world?
My handbrake did not break. Astrologers make the mistake of not looking at the natal chart. There is another misnomer that is categorized as an astrologer’s nemesis and that is the Void of Course Moon. Most astrologers think that you have to stop living when the Moon is VOC. I don't even check when the Moon is void of course and still work 12 hours a day seven days a week. I remember a few years back a well-known astrologer sent me a check to rectify a chart for one of her clients. She wrote me a note saying that she didn’t want me to work on this rectification while the Moon is void of course. I sent the check back to her with a little note saying ‘sorry but I work when the Moon is void of course.’ I could tell you thousands of stories where people got burned because they refuse to do things while the Moon was void of course.
MyHoroscope: You 've done a research about planetary phases. Would you like to give us an illustration of how we could apply and use them in a birth chart or a predictive reading?
Alphee Lavoie: In viewing the sky from planet Earth all the planets go through phases just like the Moon. You can easily see the phases for the planet Venus with a low powered telescope. I found that planetary phase aspects work extremely well in predicting the financial market. This is where I use it most often. If Mars was at full phase and Venus was at the new Moon phase the phase aspect would be an opposition. If they were both at a new phase the phase aspect would be a conjunction. The following graph is how the Dow Jones performed on a Venus phase in square to a Pluto Phase. The graph shows the performance 10 days before and after the exact aspect. The vertical dotted line is day of the exact aspect.
Notice how the Dows Jones is down in the chart below in the 4th to 6th phase of Mars.
Another place where certain planetary phases showed that they worked beyond probability was in the advanced research that we conducted in careers.
MyHoroscope: There are several systems of rectification although some researchers are quite skeptical regarding the validity and the accuracy of those systems. You have developed an extremely accurate system of rectification, using the 90-degree dial. Would you like to give us an insight of this technique?
Alphee Lavoie: Yes, before computers I had devised a way to give some sort of starting points. With this technique I use only the Solar Arcs Converse and Direct and transiting planets. Usually when I rectify a chart I like to work with 6 to 7 events to begin with. If I have more events than that I use them for verification after I feel that I have a rectified chart. Of course I do not use the Moon. If you look at all the other planets their positions do not vary very much for one day. I take each of them with the Sun and the eight planets and calculate them to the fourth harmonic. I end up with 63 points and do the same with transits for each event and end up with another 63 points. In the end I have 126 points. Then I sort out these points. The degree that shows more hits (not the Sun or Moon) will be the most probable point of either the Ascendant or Midheaven. And it is that degree that I use to begin the chart rectification. This is a very good way to find a likely beginning point to start the rectification.
I wrote two software programs for rectification. One is called Rectification Zero In and the other one is called Rectification. It's almost next to impossible to rectify a chart with just a calculation program. My programs contain artificial intelligence to help locate the proper birth time. And of course there is my fourth harmonic method in each program. I love to rectify charts as it is a real challenge for my Mercury in Scorpio. But I do rectify a lot of charts for other astrologer’s clients. Like anything else the more you do the better you get at it.
MyHoroscope: Your experience coming from your multi-annual research in Stock Market astrology has shown that it really works. Even though you have mentioned that if we were to trade the market delineating all the aspects as we learn as astrologers, we would not last long in this business, because astrological aspects react totally different when dealing with the market. For example, in astro finance the square doesn't create downs and the trine doesn't create ups. Would you like to share with Greek readers some examples of your research and some graphs of your software as well?
Alphee Lavoie: There is no doubt in my mind that the market reacts to planetary cycles. Interestingly, the planets do not react the same way in the market as they do in natal astrology and this is where today’s astro traders can get tripped up. Each market acts differently. For an astro trader to tell you to get out of the market because Saturn is squaring Mars is a bold statement and it just doesn’t make any sense at all. In astrology we feel that squares are a stress aspects which should plunge a market down. But that is not how the market works!
In the following graph I show two of the supposedly most malefic pair of planets, Mars and Saturn, in the Dow Jones. The graph shows a square opening of 90° between these two planets while the Dow Jones is down. Look at the prices which really go up on the opposition. If you were a natal astrologer you would think differently. Another thing that you have to pay attention to in the market is the ‘front and back ‘ aspect. Look at the 120 opening (the front trine) and look at the 240 (the back trine). They bring higher prices in the Dow Jones. There are many of rules such as these that need to be applied differently in dealing with the market.
This is why as a market trader I will not use traditional aspects very often. With my software program, Market Trader Software, that I created through my company, Air Software, I examine each degree for every planet. In other words, the program’s artificial intelligence examines the Sun at 1° of Aries all the way through 359° of Pisces. I will change this parameter depending on the speed of the planet so with Pluto we examine every 10 minutes. This is the same concept that I use in my rectification techniques. If there's a hot degree of any planet that moves the stock up or down, the artificial intelligence will give more weight to that degree.
MyHoroscope: It is known that statistics is based upon previous events observations. However, we may confront situations that we haven’t encountered before. Do you think that astrology could enable us to predict whether a stock or the stock market’s index will respond accordingly to past observations or there is actually a certain level of unpredictability? In other words, do you think that astrology could provide us with reproducible estimations and results?
Alphee Lavoie: Yes, my research has proven beyond the shadow of doubt that astrological cycles repeat and cause the same effects in the market. Below are 2 graphs on the Dow Jones. The third graph shows how the planetary cycles can also predict temperature movement. I put the Dow Jones predictions on my website months in advance. After-the-fact I put the actual price graph on it. And as you can see the forecast was rather accurate.
Planetary composite cycles can also help predicting the daily temperature. The graph below strongly indicates that. I took the high temperature for each day for 25 years and calculated the planetary composite cycle to arrive at my forecast.
MyHoroscope: There are certain phenomena in the market which are quite unusual and seemingly rare to happen-the black swans. Nevertheless, they could have a terrible impact on economy once they rise. Do you think that we could astrologically predict such an event?
Alphee Lavoie: In the 1930’s a truly remarkable astrologer who researched the economy of the United States came to the forefront. Her name was Louise McWhirter. One of her findings showed that the placement of the North node of the Moon was very useful in predicting the economy with a good degree of accuracy. Following her research techniques it indicated that December of 2007 would be a bottom for the recession. We are now in a position where the economy is getting better day by day and in the middle of October of 2011 will be halfway between the dire state that it has been in and a normal economy. The general forecast by the time the end of August of 2012 rolls around will be normal or stable.
MyHoroscope: Where are you based upon for your astrological predictions? Do you put emphasis more on technical or fundamental analysis? Do you take into consideration except for the stock and Index prices other economic data such as the volume of transactions and the interest rates?
Alphee Lavoie: In my financial forecast all I use is the historical price for the stock under study. I let the neural net artificial intelligence module in my software program educate the computer for that market and then project ahead. I learned that to be a good trader you do your study and don't let the radio, tv or newspaper news interfere with your decision. This kind of thinking really helped me to become a better trader. My good friend, Larry Pesavento, taught me that and I’ll never forget that.
MyHoroscope: Greece is one of the countries that is heavily affected by the global debt crisis. As the indices are discounting the real economy, do you think that we have already come to a point where things could not get any worse or maybe we are about to experience a double bottom?
Alphee Lavoie: If the natal chart for Greece that I found on the Internet is March 25, 1821, then I would have to say that Greece will still have some stress until about the Autumn of 2011. The first couple weeks of February 2011 there are many positive aspects from Jupiter in the chart but this could be just a false hope without any real substance. At the end of June and the beginning of July Uranus will make an almost exact station on the Sun in the chart of the country. This could cause drastic changes but could also signify the end of many things. Uranus will make one more pass in the Spring of 2012.
The most important aspect for Greece is the Saturn opposition which began at the beginning of December 2010. The retrograde hit will be in the Spring of 2011 at the same time when Jupiter will conjunct the natal Saturn and Mars conjunct natal Mars. After this period Greece will have a good idea about how to reconstruct what has fallen and return the country to order. Note the last week of August as it is also an extremely important period. Greece will be at the last Saturn opposition but at that time Mars will also square Saturn and Pluto will station direct in square to the natal Sun. Pluto is turning direct on September 16, 2011. I feel that once this passes things will start heading back to normal. This is around the time where you might see the world economy begin to take a turn for the better.
MyHoroscope: You are the author of 4 books, Lose This Book and Find it Through Horary, Horary At Its Best, Horary Lectures, Four Paths to God and the editor of Essentials of Intermediate Astrology. Do you have any plans for a coming publication?
Alphee Lavoie: Actually, yes, I do. I have hopes of writing a book on rectification and another on electional and still another on predictive techniques and probably a few more somewhere stewing around in my brain! Somewhere down the road I would like to write a Journal on the ‘gators research findings.
MyHoroscope: After 45 years of significant contribution in astrology, what are your expectations from now on?
Alphee Lavoie: One of my main focuses is to keep doing research in astrology with my ‘gator group. I want to research many careers and create models for each of them. Then we can write a piece of software on the website where a parent can go and put in the birth data of his/her children to see where the natural talent of the child lies. If you go on Air Software: 24 Powerful Astrology & Finance Software, Free Charts, Reports, Books and Services ( click on ‘ Read Alphee's Articles’. I have article there that entitled, " A New Futuristic View of Astrological Research". This explains my approach on this project. I also want to become more active in my own online school and teach more mentoring classes in which I help astrologers and students become proficient in dealing with a multitude of client situations.
Thank you so much, myhoroscope for this wonderful opportunity to reach out and share what I can with you, your lovely readers and astrologers around the world.
God bless, Alphee